writing space – Island Writers https://islandwriters.co.uk A friendly Isle of Wight creative writing group Wed, 12 Jun 2019 13:29:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/islandwriters.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/island-favicon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 writing space – Island Writers https://islandwriters.co.uk 32 32 153040790 What makes the perfect creative writing space? https://islandwriters.co.uk/perfect-writing-space/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 13:27:58 +0000 http://islandwriters.co.uk/?p=706 Continue reading "What makes the perfect creative writing space?"

What’s the perfect place for your writing?

Our latest assignment title, The perfect writing space, was chosen as a useful point to ponder for those of us who haven’t been doing any (ahem) much writing lately.

Quite a few of us have been off on our travels or away on visits. In some cases, we returned empty-handed, saying we were too busy to write.

Geoff, on the other hand, returned from his cruise with a couple of new chapters. So, was this brilliant writing progress conclusive proof of just how incredibly boring his holiday was? I’d like to think so – but I’m only jealous! Could it be a token of how devoted he is to his writing, that he could manage to write, even while on holiday? Or perhaps it was due to the inspiring nature of the places he visited? I’m sure this must have helped, if only subconsciously.

Have you felt energised to write in a special place? Or about it, after you got home? How do you feel when you try to write in different places?

Some writers can feel creative anywhere – they just need their laptop or a notebook and pen and they can get started. For others, only their familiar desk will do, and writing will just have to wait until they get home.

My favourite writing space. Maybe I should actually do some?

What’s special about the place where you feel most comfortable doing your writing? Is it the equipment you have available and the way it’s laid out?

Maybe it’s the smell of cinnamon and the sound of a purring cat, or a particular snack or drink, or the view from the window? What elements constitute the perfect creative writing space for you? What do you find motivates or distracts you? Have you found your perfect writing place yet?

If you prefer, feel free to write poetry or fiction on the topic. Perhaps your main character is searching for the perfect writing space, or is that merely an excuse? Or maybe they have found a place which changes their style of writing?

Anyway, you’re all wrong. The perfect writing space is Ryde Library, on Tuesday 18th June, 7-9.30pm. Be there and I’ll prove it.

Are you ready to write? https://islandwriters.co.uk/ready-to-write/ Tue, 30 Oct 2018 10:00:29 +0000 https://islandwriters.co.uk/?p=123 Continue reading "Are you ready to write?"

pixabay-cluttered-1295494_1280.pngYou finally get some time for creative writing, but…

  • Your pot of pens has mysteriously emptied itself, apart from the annoying green biro that doesn’t work.
  • Your desk is buried under a mound of papers you’ve been meaning to file, a few things you meant to list on Ebay, some letters and bills to deal with, a couple of empty coffee mugs and a random collection of household items which were left there ‘for now’.
  • The zip is broken on your laptop bag, so you haven’t brought it with you today.
  • You want to print some pages off to edit, but you’ve run out of ink. And paper.
  • You could write on the bus to work, but you can’t find the special hardback notebook you usually use.

Having a dedicated writing space in your home strengthens the feeling that you are a writer – creative writing has a high priority in your life. It doesn’t matter if your writing things are kept on a desk, or on a shelf, or in a drawer, a briefcase or a bag. As long as you’re always prepared to get started on your writing immediately, you won’t waste that precious creative time trying to fix the printer cable or searching for a pen.

Of course, having writing equipment ready may not be the only preparation to do. If it’s been a couple of years since you looked at your half-finished novel, you may need to reread the whole thing first if you can hardly remember your characters or plot.

There’s just one more week until Island Writers starts. Are you ready to get writing?


